Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If you want to be great in God's Kingdom

If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, then you must learn to be a
servant to all here on earth. (1 Peter 5: 5 NKJV) states, "Yes, all of you
be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for therefore
humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, then He may exalt you in due
time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be
vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion
seeking whom he may devour.

I think my grandmother put it best to me when she told me that the moment in
life when I started to believe my own BS, then I was lost. She told me that
no matter how high I might raise, to always remember who I was and where I
came from. She told me to never climb over people when climbing up any
ladder because I would have to pass the same people on the way down. And
she assured me that there are always "downs" in life. And she told me that
no matter how high I might raise in this world, there was one who was the
"Most High", and in the end , I would have to answer to Him for my life. If
you think you are so big and important that you can dismiss God, then you
are in deep trouble. A wise woman my grandma, God rest her soul.

The world has a saying too. It says we all put our pants on the same
way....one leg at a time. We try to picture this any time someone is trying
to dominate us or when we feel below or inferior to another human being.
But imagine a world where everyone tried to bring out the best in the other
person. Where bosses learned all they could about their employees and
encouraged them to reach a little higher than the place they were the day
before. That would make you feel good would it not? No ones ego would ever
be bruised that way. But the world is not that way and it seems with each
passing year the world becomes colder and less caring had has adopted the
philosophy of "Every man for himself, and he who dies with the most toys
wins!" How sad. Have you ever wondered where we would be if God had taken
that attitude? Did it ever occur to you how incredible it was for God, the
creator of the universe itself, to make himself man, and came to earth to
restore our relationship with Him? We are so beneath God. To me that would
be like the creator of Gumby actually becoming Gumby! Quite a move down
wouldn't you say? And yet God humbled himself even as God to lower himself
to flesh. And what if Jesus took that attitude? He would know that he was
dying for a bunch of folks that had made their bed and should just lie in
it. And to top it off, why should He die for the ones that would not accept
Him? And how about the ones that would accept Him but continue to sin
anyway and refuse to turn from their evil ways? We need to get hold of
ourselves and humble ourselves not only to one another, but to our creator.
When we admit to our Father in heaven that we are truly noting without Him
and be still, then He can truly start to do a work in our lives.

Where are you today? Would you rather be on top of the world here and be
known as mighty to men and lose your eternal seat with God? Or would you
rather help everyone that crosses your path by humbling yourself and sharing
your God given talents with them to help them grow and have an eternal high
position with your creator forever? Recently we got a new Pastor at our
church. To show his and his wife's true hearts toward their new
congregation, they washed all of our feet. Many of us wept at their act of
humbleness. It humbled us as well. And I cannot remember ever feeling that
good before. Want the best high ever? Try humbleness and you will see how
well it fits everyone including you. And you will see that the devil
himself will have a very difficult time in devouring you. The devil likes
to tell all of us that we are being used by others and to go and destroy
them. And by doing so we destroy ourselves . Add humility to your life and
see how much better it will get.