Friday, October 20, 2006

Get a Grip!....

Emotional outbursts. Ever had any? We all have. When I was in the world
and away from Jesus, I had them all the time. I referred to it as "getting
things off my chest". That too is a very common saying. But when you "get
it off your chest" you usually heap it on someone else. And the world has
come to thrive on that kind of "if it feels good do it" mentality. Take
care of getting things off of your chest no matter what the toll on others

But once I became a Christian, I really worked on that character flaw. I am
not saying that I don't still have them from time to time, but the Holy
Spirit deals with me instantly and I repent to Jesus immediately. I always
ponder that if Jesus, when He looked into every life He was dying for,
realized that so many would never accept His sacrifice and that if He had
smacked His forehead and said, "What am I doing here, am I nuts or what?
These people are just not worth dying over so you can just forget this! Who
needs this? I'm not giving up my life for these idiots, I'm out of here!"
where would we be today?

Your emotions are a dangerous thing. Uncontrolled emotional outbursts + the
flesh = taking wrong path, usually away from God.
Learn to control yourself. Think before you act. Remember to "Trust in the
Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your
ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Remember that you are no longer in the world. And if you are this is sound
advice for you as well. People are watching. People are judging. We all
are attacked from one source or another every day. But if we stop and pray
for control, and we draw from the Word of God, we will be able to
demonstrate a more Christ-like image instead of that of a raving lunatic,
with vile and hateful and hurtful words flying out of our mouths. Saying
things out of anger that can never be taken back because of emotions in
overdrive. Jesus' life, once He entered into His ministry here on earth,
was very stressful. He was rebuked by His own. He was debased on an almost
daily basis. He was mocked, hated and eventually put to death despite all
the miracles He performed and the love He showed all He came in contact
with. He used his knowledge of His Father to rebuke His attackers. We can
do this too. We have to do it. He expects us to do it. So come on
already...GET A GRIP!...Patti