Fifty-Fifty Is Not Enough!....
I went to a friends wedding once and heard the Pastor tell the couple that
they should both give fifty percent because marriage, as life, was a
fifty-fifty proposition. He told them that if each of them was to give
fifty percent then they would be receiving one hundred percent. I am not a
genius, but that made no sense to me. Why would you only want to give
someone you truly loved and adored only fifty percent of yourself? That
would be like going to the store and buying fifty percent of a car. Or
fifty percent of a house. Or fifty percent of an apple. No...fifty percent
makes no sense to me. I love my husband and I always try to give him one
hundred percent. And that means the best I can give him. And when we have
a disagreement, I really make sure that he gets one hundred percent of what
is on my mind!
In a marriage, when you have two different personalities living under the
same roof, each is going to have their own opinions, and their own way of
doing things. No one is perfect and mistakes will be made and feelings will
be hurt. When this happens, the feelings of the one you love, honor, and
respect should take priority over any stand you might have on a situation.
Compromises can be struck and a meeting in the middle of the road is
possible without becoming cruel, overpowering and controlling. Respect
should always proceed anything that is spoken. One hundred percent respect
keeps peace and love one hundred percent above any situation that may come
into your life. James 5:16 KJV says to "confess your fault one to another
and pray one for another that ye may be healed." However, the flesh is very
weak and it can easily give way to anger and blow the most trivial
disagreement into a major problem if you allow it. We have all come to this
point in our relationships. However, I have found in these times, it is
wise to stop before any real damage control is needed and to call upon the
Lord for help. And remember that your respect for your spouse is in
actuality respect for yourself because the Bible tells us that when we
marry, we become one. (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:5,Mark 10:8, Ephesians 5:31 NKJV)
One person can not be better than himself. So treat your spouse as you
treat yourself.
No matter who you are in love with, the love you have for that person should
never be allowed to be greater than the love you have for Christ. If your
life is dedicated to Him one hundred percent, then He in return will dwell
in your relationship and give you one hundred percent peace and calm with
your spouse. You both can turn to the other in times of strife and ask
Jesus to direct your path to an equitable decision. In this way the enemy
can never work on fifty percent of the marriage to tear it apart.
Don't ever settle for fifty percent in your marriage. Don't get into a
marriage where only fifty percent of you is dedicated to Christ. Don't be
unequally yoked. Find someone who loves the Lord and has dedicated his or
her life to Him as your life partner. Now you are on the right track to a
one hundred percent relationship. You both love God above all else even
each other. You will have Him as a counselor in times of turmoil. And you
will have blocked the devil from your relationship one hundred percent. You
will both have a one hundred percent wonderful marriage all the time. Never
settle for fifty percent because fifty-fifty is not enough.....Patti
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