Friday, August 25, 2006

Set it and Forget it!

Set it and Forget it! We should set a time each day to confess our sins. I
do this every morning when I pray. I don't ever want to carry yesterday's
sins into today for today will have troubles of it's own! We try and try to
be good Christians and faithful servants of Christ, but sometimes life can
just unravel all our efforts to maintain peace and composure in our lives.
You could also end each day with asking God, through the blood of Jesus
Christ, to forgive your sins.

Even when we confess our sins we tend to carry them into the new day anyway.
God is faithful to forgive our sins. In 1John 1: 8-10 it says "If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness". I have spoken before of God's
INTEGRITY to His own word. God cannot lie. When He forgives our sins He
removes them from His mind as far as the East is from the West. They are
remembered no more.(Psalm 103:12KJV) So don't carry yesterdays garbage into
your new day. Through the blood of our precious Savior, if we confess our
sins, we start each day a new and pure person in God's sight.

The devil loves it when he can get you to dwell on the sins you have
committed. He loves to give you a guilty conscience and tell you that you
might as well give up on being a Christian because you are no good. A no
good sinner. Well, I have good news for you. The devil is a liar!! He
comes only to kill, steal and destroy. But carry these scriptures with you
and the next time you start to remember your sins know that God has no idea
what you are talking about. He has forgiven you. And you can tell the
devil that you are forgiven and victorious through the precious Blood of
your Savior, Jesus Christ. And you can remind him that you know from
reading the bible what you are worth in your Heavenly Father's eyes. And
you can tell the devil you also know his future. His future is separation
for God and chains in the pit are waiting for him. He will leave you and
you will have peace that surpasses all understanding through Christ
Jesus.(KJV Romans 5:1)

So strive for perfection, but know that you are flesh and the flesh is
carnal and will never be perfect. That is exactly why God send His Son to
die for our sins. If we are faithful to repent, He is faithful to forgive.
SET aside a time at the start or finish of each day to confess your sins and
short comings to God and apply the blood of Jesus on them and then FORGET
IT! God has. And when the enemy tries to remind you of your sins just ask
him, "What sin?"............Patti