Thursday, February 22, 2007

"The Earth is the Lord's and the Fullness Thereof"...

Psalm 24:1 says, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein."(KJV) This verse is self explanatory isn't it? Too bad that a vast majority of mankind is oblivious of this fact.

There is a great controversy over global warming lately. It has been going on for years now but now it is in the headlines again. In fact, all the scientists of the world met to discuss this issue not long ago. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof;" That line was not mentioned at the prestigious meeting. They said that if every nation on earth did not change the way we go about our daily lives we were doomed to perish from the face of the earth because the damage to "Mother Earth" would be so great, that man could no longer glean from her and thus would die as will all forms of flora and fauna. We will become this giant dirt ball in space. Sounds frightening. Sounds ominous. Sounds imminent. And it sounds like dookey to me!!!

What these learned men and women are trying to say is that everyone on earth, with the exception of them and the bands of "Mother Earth" followers are idiots. And if we don't spend billions and billions to conform to their one way of doing things...well we are just in for it. If anyone has actually met this Mother Earth, I would like for you to arrange a meeting with her for me. You see, it amazes me how people will follow and believe in a concept such as "Mother Earth" and totally disregard and toss out God from their lives and their belief system. God is not a man that he should lie! (Numbers 23:19) He created the world to be the world without end (Ephesians 3:21 KJV). We are to respect all that God has provided for us,
but God will not allow "the end of the world" to occur. When God created this home for us, He knew full well all that we would be capable of. He knew that we would have no respect for this planet we call home. And his Word assures us that He is in charge of whether this world ends or not.

The problem with statement's from the EPA, or other world assembly's is that they speak of man and his ability to destroy and of man and his ability to save. Over that last 2000 plus years, we have forgotten how great a price was paid for us. We have become smug with our knowledge and our advancement. We have come to think of ourselves as "God" and have given Him early retirement. What fools we are. If we would stop worshiping "self" and "Mother Earth" and spend more time with our creator, we would have more respect for the home He created and gave to us and to the bodies that we were given. Our time here is short, but our souls and spirits will go on for eternity as will this planet. God is still in charge! Worship God and His Word and it will show you how to enjoy the earth that is the Lord's and realize for your minds, bodies and souls, the fullness thereof....Patti