The old saying goes, "Live for today, for tomorrow we shall die". There is another saying, "He that dies with the most toys wins". Yet another says, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die". Whoever was responsible for these sayings had no concept or knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ nor of God in general. These statements are self serving and ignorant and have led many, many people astray and put them on the road to hell. Heaven is a true place as is hell. And you alone determine where you will spend eternity. Don't let the ignorance of those around you influence your life to the point of just plain stupid decisions that can affect your eternity. Your acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior is not a free pass to continue a sinful life and get into heaven anyway.
That may sound like a very harsh statement, but someone has got to step up to the plate and deliver the news that, whether you believe it or not, there is a heaven and a hell and you WILL spend eternity in one of these places. There is no in between. And there will be no parties in hell.
Bill Wiese wrote a book called, 23 Minutes in Hell
What can we do to insure that we never enter the gates of hell? Start by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then you must turn your old ways into the ways of Christ Himself. You CANNOT remain with old friends that do not accept Jesus. You cannot continue to go to the places that you used to go to and do the things that you used to do. The road to heaven is a narrow road indeed. (Matthew 7:13) But what is so bad about being good? Most people think that everything that you have to do to get through life such as work and study and church and giving of your time to help those in need are the bad things in life. And they think that drugs, and music, and sex, and living for the next party is what makes life good. How misguided! How sad! How tragic! Multiple millions are on the road to hell with this thought pattern and I am here to tell you, to implore you, to not be one of them. Let us all strive to live Godly lives and be an example to the world. Let us strive to take anger, hatred, lust and filthy language out of our way of life. On our jobs, let's set an example of hard work and honesty and integrity that is above reproach. Let's make it so the worst thing anyone that is still in the world can say about us is that we are just so darn nice and good that it makes them sick. Now there is a compliment I like to hear. Remember, we are in this world but not of it. Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Once you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you no longer are living for yourself. But you must strive to become like Him and to be a light unto the world. You must set an example for others to follow. And they just might follow your example all the way to their own salvation. It is no longer your life because it was bought with a price. And that price was the shed blood of our Savior, Jesus. So starting tomorrow morning, if you already are not on the right path, renew and rededicate your life to Him. 1 Peter 2:12 says, "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us." NKJV. When all is said and done, and Jesus returns to claim His sheep, make sure that you are found in His herd. Make sure that you have a lot of company with you when He comes. Our true job in this world is to lead everyone we possibly can to Jesus. If you do this, you will always be about your Father's business and you won't ever again be able to just live for today...Patti
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