Tuesday, August 29, 2006

God is everything to me....

God is everything to me.....

No matter how I try sometimes to work things out on my own, it just never
works out. I must walk daily with my Savior. He is a free gift from God
and so I want to accept this free gift of salvation and love and guidance to
it's fullest every day.

When I say he is everything I mean:

He is my Shepherd - He leads me through every circumstance every day.
He is my Provider - He takes care of my physical and material needs every
He is my Strength - He enables me to work through even the toughest trials.
He is my Counselor - He speaks to me and imparts wisdom to my daily
He is my Shield - He puts a hedge of protection around me every day of my
He is my Comfort - He forgives me and encourages me to do better every day.
He is my Father - He blesses me with His holy presence through the Holy

Know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. And when you are going
through a trial, and you think that He is not there, remember this: When
the student is taking a test, the teacher never speaks. He will be just
outside the classroom of your heart waiting to give you an embrace and tell
you, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"

Talk HIS talk, and He will walk YOUR walk!