Saturday, November 11, 2006

There is Always One in Every Crowd....

Have you ever noticed that no matter where you go, like a grocery store,
department store, school, or sadly, even church, there is always one person
that seems to have been sent there by Satan himself? And worse yet, they
seem to have been sent to you directly to just swing on your last nerve? And
if you have worked in more places than one over the years, you have
discovered the same thing. There is ALWAYS one or two that just make life
miserable for everyone. What is with that anyway?

Well, if you are not walking with God you will have to deal with people like
this always. You will have no peace with people like this and feel
intimidated, or aggressive, or be stressed to the maximum on your job or
where ever you go. Or, worse yet, you will become one of these people
yourself because you will adopt a "If you can't beat them, join them"
mentality. But I would guess that even if you are not walking with God, but
you believe in Him, you have raised your head toward heaven after an
encounter with someone like this and said, "God, just give me strength to
put up with this!".

Ever notice how often we ask God for strength? Well, through life's trials
and tribulations and through people like this God is actually giving you
strength. Stop and think about it for a moment. What would happen if you
never exercised your body? After a period of time you would become weak and
flabby. Your health would diminish and you would be subject to every little
bug that came along. You would fall victim to everything.

God knows that just as our bodies need exercise, so does, what I call, our
Faith Muscle. The devil has legions of demons out there and they are
crawling all over people. People that we refer to as bullies, troublemakers,
gossips, negative thinkers, and those that think everyone is stupid except
them, control freaks, and those just plain vicious to everyone they meet. We
would like to think that these types of people are just in the world or of
the devil and not of the Christian community. But sadly, this is not so.
They are everywhere. And believe it or not, God uses these people to
exercise our Faith Muscle. When you use your Faith Muscle instead of the
flesh, you can handle these people with patience and love. You can witness
to the lost just by your behavior. These people are used to being hated.
They get their kicks by hurting people. They get their strength and self
worth by making others seem less than them. They won't know what to do with
someone who demonstrates "Christ" in their everyday life and confrontations.
Who knows, you just might save a soul and bring one of these people to the
knowledge and belief of Jesus Christ. You just might remind that wayward
Christian of how far they have strayed from the path they took up when they
gave their life to Jesus.

I know, I know, this sounds so easy for me to say, and you think that I
don't know what it is like to come up against these people. Yes I do. We all
do and we always will here on earth. But what I am trying to tell you is
that if you practice, and rise above the tricks of the enemy, you too can
accomplish peace among these types of people. All you have to do is exercise
that old Faith Muscle everyday and remember that God will always go before
you into battle with the enemy, spiritual or in the flesh. In Joshua 5:
13-14 NKJV it says, And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he
lifted his eyes and looked, and behold a man stood opposite him with his
sword drawn in his hand. And Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you
for us or the adversaries?" So he said, "No, but as Commander of the Army of
the Lord, I have now come." Joshua and just a handful of people were told by
God to bring the walls of Jericho down. In the natural, Joshua knew that
this was impossible. In fact, as he and his people started walking around
the walls of Jericho, the inhabitants of Jericho laughed at them. They did
not worry one bit about that little handful of people bringing their life as
they knew it down. But the people of Jericho were trespassing on God's
property. So God got involved and sent his mighty angels to assist Joshua
and his people in destroying Jericho. The people of Jericho never knew what
hit them. So know that when the world or even other Christians attack a
child of the living God, they are trespassing on God's property too. God
will go ahead of you with a battle plan and all you have to do is maintain
your position as a child of God and act like one. You let NO ONE change the
character of Christ that you chose when you were born again. Instead of
sighing and saying, "Gee, there are one of these trouble makers everywhere
you go", remember who you are in Christ. Encourage the others that are being
picked on too by reminding them that you will take care of this battle
because you are a Christian and .....there is always one in every