Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit

Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left this earth
after His resurrection, he told his disciples not to despair. He told them
that His Father would send "another", the "comforter".(John 14: 26 NKJV)
Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit. He told them that the Holy Spirit
would teach them and dwell within them forever. The Holy Spirit is a very
sweet spirit. A gentle spirit. And He is very easily offended by our
transgressions and He will leave as long as we are in a state of sin or
unrighteousness. We hear every day of people that do drugs and drink and
entertain men and women when their children are present. We are always
appalled at stories where gentle innocent children are exposed to the sins
of parents. Would you want your child to see you doing drugs? Would you
want to expose him or her to no only the danger of the drugs themselves, but
to the people that are associated with dealing in drugs? Would you want
your child to be at the mercy of you if you were so drunk that you could not
be responsible and care for them? Of course not! Stories of things like
this shock our senses. And yet I see Christians, who are fully aware of the
true and powerful blessings that the Holy Spirit can impart to us, still
continue to live with one foot in the world and one foot in their walk with
Christ. Jesus told us to "come out from among them" (2 Cor 6:17 NKJV), and
to not touch what is unclean and that He would receive us. You cannot serve
God and reap the blessings of God and remain in the world. You cannot do
these things and expect the Holy Spirit to stay with you. He will and does

You CAN go into a bar, and sit down and have a soda and witness to those who
are lost and offer them eternal life through Jesus Christ. You can do this
because the Holy Spirit will be with you to give you the words you will need
to reach those you come in contact with. However, you CANNOT go into a bar
and start drinking and expect the Holy Spirit to remain with you. You may
be talking about Christ, but you have gone "back among them", and there, in
that place and state, you are on your own and your wonderful anointing is
gone. You are not doing yourself or anyone else any good.

Wake up every morning and say "good morning Holy Spirit" and thank Him for
His presence. Ask Him to enlighten you and guide you through the day and to
bring you closer to God. Ask Him for revelation and enlightenment and
peace. It is His pleasure to give you this. Keep your temple clean. You
would not love to live in a filthy house and neither does the Holy Spirit.

We do so much "in the world" to insure our own comfort and well being. We
bathe, and brush our teeth, and wash our hair and wash our clothes and shine
our shoes and put cologne on. How much more then as Christians should we
keep our spiritual house and selves clean? Take an inventory of the state
of your spiritual house. Is it cluttered? Is it a mess or just down right
filthy? Then clean house because company is coming. The best guest you
will ever have stay with you. He will be such a wonderful guest, you will
never want Him to leave again......Patti