Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Your Miracle Could Be For Someone Else!

I learned a valuable lesson recently. I had been suffering and limping for
4 years on what I dismissed as simple Arthritis in my hip. It gradually but
continually got worse. I finally went to a doctor because I was unable to
walk without holding my husband's hand. When we saw the x-rays, we were
stunned. Where there once was a hip, there was now just a calcium deposit.
The doctor told me that I had to have that hip replaced. He put me on a
walker. I was turned down by the insurance company to have the hip replaced
because I was considered too young. Well, it was nice to know that I was
still too young for something! But not wanting to fork over some 50K for
the operation, I just went on with the help of the walker. About a year
later to the date I had become much worse and I was headed for a wheelchair.
I prayed for an answer and I felt one came when I found out that Pastor
Benny Hinn, who has an international healing ministry, was going to be in
Canada. My husband and I drove 8 hours to attend. To make a long story
very short, I was healed by the amazing power of God and ended up on stage.
Pastor Benny approached me and said that he could see the power of God all
over me. He told me to do something that I had not been able to do. So
with a little dread, I bent down and touched my toes. I was amazed. My
husband was in tears of joy. Then Pastor Benny told me to run up and down
the stairs. My greatest fear was using the stairs for fear of falling. I
ran up and down the stage stairs. Praise God all mighty, I was healed!
This man is not to be trifled with. I had to sign a release of my medical
records in order that they could confirm my illness to begin with. About 2
months later we got a call from angry relatives because I did not let them
know of my healing. I asked how they found out. They responded that I was
on TV. Pastor Hinn had used my healing, as he does others after he has
confirmed the validity of their infirmity, on his show. I was truly sad by
that time, because from the time that I left the stadium in Canada, carrying
my walker, the pain became worse then it had ever been. I knew that it was
the enemy trying to steal my healing. I continued to claim my healing and
would NEVER say that I was NOT healed! I would not give the enemy that
pleasure or that credit. Now it is 2007. Due to a slight fall down some
stairs, I had to go to the doctor again. Mind you, I had continued to walk
without assistance since my healing in 2005. I prayed to God to guide me in
what I should do. Was I going to let the enemy win by going to the doctor?
I told God that if it was His will, He should find a Christian doctor for
me. The next week my girlfriend had to go into the hospital for minor one
day surgery. I had talked to her and asked her to pray for me as well. A
week later when I took her to her doctor for her post-op visit she emerged
with a piece of paper in her hand. She said her doctor had given her the
name of a good doctor for me to go to. I asked if he was a Christian and
she said she didn't ask. I called the doctor and went in to see him. The
first question I asked him was if he was a Christian. His response was yes.
He said he was in fact a very strong Christian. I told him about my healing
and my desire to walk in belief. He said that he supposed that there was
still such a thing, but he said that he believed that God provided doctors
for people too. That is what he believed in....his ability as a doctor.
That was good enough for me. One week later I was in surgery. God provided
me with many Christians that day. All of the staff in the operating room
prayed with me before the surgery started. I went to sleep in peace. I
spent 4 days in the hospital and then home to recover. Two weeks later I
went into the doctor for my first check up. Not only he came into the
office, but he had arranged for his assistant from the surgery to come into
see me as well. The first thing he said to me is "We now believe in
miracles!" I was stunned. I asked why the sudden change. He said that
when they opened up my leg, and they went to move it because they needed to
cut the bone at a certain angle, they were not able to move my leg. It was
literally fused together and had been for a long time. In his opinion,
there was no way that I could have been walking period. But he said that he
saw me walk with his own eyes. Once they got it out and dissected it, he
said that the amount of bone spurs in the joint itself would have made it
too painful to bare let alone walk on. But he had seen me walking. It was
then that the Holy Spirit informed me that I was healed to a degree. He
told me that our timing is not God's timing. I walked on a hip that could
not be walked on and God arranged for me to see this particular doctor. God
knew that the doctor's belief was not sufficient for him to draw nearer to
God. God used me to show His miracle working power to this doctor at just
this time. God had moved us 2100 miles from where I received my healing.
You see, when you realize that we are here on earth to go about our Father's
business, He can use us to not only work His saving grace through our life,
but He can work miracles through us that we are not even aware of. My
miracle was not for me at the time it happened. It was to be taken on a
2100 mile journey and delivered to a doctor, that even though a Christian,
had stopped believing in an all powerful God that is the same yesterday,
today and tomorrow. (Hebrews 3:8 NIV says just that) Always claim your
healing no matter what the circumstances. Hold fast to the promises of God.
I did, and that is why I now know that your miracle could be for someone

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm Back and I've Missed You...

I am so sorry that I have not posted anything for so long. I was in the
hospital and then home recovering. I am putting together a testimony to
share my miracle with you. Miracles don't always work the way you think
they should and the most important thing the Holy Spirit has taught me
through this entire ordeal that in fact has lasted since the year 2002, is
that our miracles are not always for us! I will work on this and post it on
Saturday. I have missed writing to you all and do apologize for my absence.
I love you and my our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ richly bless
each and every one of you! Patti