Wasted Years....
The reality is that we HAVE been forgiven. And Jesus paid with His life
for it. And to allow the enemy to continually burden us with our past is to
reject this precious gift of Salvation. We are body, mind and spirit. When
the enemy comes to attack, we have to learn to break ourselves down into our
simplest form. Our minds as we know are the Devil's playground. We need to
take charge and when the enemy starts to whisper and replay our pasts we
need to do something immediately to break that thought process! I find that
just saying out loud no matter where I am "STOP", works fine. Those that
are in your immediate area will think you a bit nuts...but oh well...better
than letting the enemy corner you again. The same with our body...it shows
the ravages of our past choices and reality says, what's was done is done
and all we can do is work from here. But our Spirit's. This is the part of
us that we cannot see and yet we need to learn to look at it in the Spirit
and see it for the spotless beauty it is in the eyes of God because it was
washed in the blood of His Son. There is NOTHING that the enemy can do
about our Spirit's once that we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior!!
All he can do is work on our minds and bodies that are carnal. We need to
enforce the mind of Christ in our everyday lives and then we will see
ourselves as He sees us, and that will give us the power over the
condemnation of the enemy we need. Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may
prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."(KJV) If
you used to live in a literal sewer, you most certainly would not want to go
back there. But when someone says to you, "You used to live in the sewer?!"
You can say with pride, "Yes I did, and I had plenty of company too. (they
know were they lived too!) But that only makes me appreciate where I am now
and all the good I can do for others because of the hard lessons that I have
learned." I think that is called having a testimony. Giving your
testimony is not having pride in where you have been but it is a statement
of where you are now because and only because of Jesus. Don't worry about
wasted years. They, in the whole great vast scheme of things are but a few
ticks of the clock. What, after all, is time "past"spent in the sewer? We
have our whole lives ahead of us...and because of our precious Jesus, that
reality is our eternity in flawless beauty and peace with Him....Patti